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artist_projects [2008/10/14 18:39]
artist_projects [2008/10/14 18:40] (current)
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 +<span class="​htmlO_K_header2">​Artists'​ Projects</​span><​br /><br />
 +In 1999 Manitoba Visual Arts Network put out a call for Internet-based Artist Projects. ​ The impulse behind this call was to introduce the Manitoba Visual Arts community to the new forms of media art then being developed. ​ The
 +program was funded by The Manitoba Arts Council and was open to artists outside of Manitoba. A jury was struck, and three projects were selected.
 +<br /><br />
 +Pedro Mendes: <A HREF="/​mbvan/​proj/​ram/"​ target="​_tab">​remote access movement</​a>​
 +remote access movement is an analysis of the merging of the inherent spectatorness of TV and the interactive voyeuristic nature of the net. <BR />
 +Essay: ​  Doug Lewis, <A HREF="/​mbvan/​proj/​ram/​ram_essay.htm"​ target="​_tab">"​Confidentiality versus the Right to Know"</​a>​
 +Catherine McGovern: <A HREF="/​mbvan/​proj/​Inbox/"​ target="​_tab">​Inbox</​a>​
 +Inbox was a web-based installation project, originally presented at Video Pool in Winnipeg, Canada October 15th to November 5th 1999. Inbox was about Internet technology, intimacy and risk. Although it is no longer online, one may read the project description.
 +Tim Schouten: <A HREF="/​mbvan/​proj/​distances/"​ target="​_tab">​Distances Between</​a>​
 +Distances Between takes an elliptical narrative form and explores stories about the winter road system on the east side of Lake Winnipeg and the communities it serves. This project grew out of a series of paintings entitled "​Treaty Lands",​ which investigates landscape and history in the relations between First Nations and the dominant culture in Canada.
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