Manitoba Visual Arts Network Archiving Project
Searching Indexed Web Pages for information

There are two ways to search for material in the Manitoba Visual Arts Network Archive.
  1. You can use this Form, which institutes a search across the entire Manitoba Visual Arts Network Archive.
  2. Or, you can search through the individual archive collections of member organizations, catalogue listings, etc.
  3. Index to Raw HTML Data
For a description of the differences between the two, click here.

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Discussion topic (maximum 40 characters):

The Discussion topic will identify your topic in the Discussion index and will appear at the top of the discussion page. A filename will be created from the topic with characters other than numbers and letters converted to dashes and underscores. If the Discussion topic is greater than 25 characters, only the first 25 will be used for the file name. (Given these conversions, it's possible for two topics to translate into the same filename; if so you will be notified.)

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